Legal notice.

The website and its contents are the property of CoCenTing.
The head office is located at 3, rue des Hêtres L-8137 Bridel.
CoCenTing Sàrl-S is registered with the Trade and Companies Register under the number B243945, Autorisation d’Établissement 11014745/0.

The website is managed by the CEO of CoCenTing, Mr. Claude Nesser.

The website was designed by CoCenTing and created by the agency markenmut AG,
14, Herzogenbuscher Straße D-54292 Trier.

If you notice any discrepancies on this site, please inform CoCenTing: co*****@co*******.lu.

By continuing to use the website, the user accepts the legal conditions without reservation.

CoCenTing reserves the right to change the conditions of use of the site at any time.

For any complaint, please contact CoCenTing at: co*****@co*******.lu.

Use of the Website

The user undertakes to use the website with due care, not to infringe the rights of CoCenTing or its customers and not to harm them.

In particular, the user undertakes not to damage the reputation, defame or threaten CoCenTing, a client of CoCenTing or a third party and not to use any device that could damage the proper functioning of the website.
The CoCenTing company is the holder of the intellectual property rights allowing its reproduction or representation. Any reproduction or representation is strictly forbidden without prior written authorisation.
Contact :
You can contact us at the following address: co*****@co*******.lu

Applicable law:
Any dispute relating to the website, its consultation or its use will be subject to Luxembourg law and will fall under the jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.
CoCenTing – All rights reserved I Legal notice I Cookie policy